Horny Goat Weed.  It's a Libido Enhancer
Libido Boosters and Sexual Enhancement

Horny Goat Weed. It's a Libido Enhancer

by Michelle C on Aug 09, 2018

One of the sex booster ingredients in our Male Libido Drops tonic is Horny Goat Weed.  After researching we found that Icariin, is the active ingredient in horny goat weed extract that is the libido enhancer.  Icariin inhibits the activity of the protein phosphodiesterase type 5 built up in the muscle of the penis.  Buy breaking down this protein, it also increases the amount of nitric oxide produced in cells that line the interior of blood vessels.  The presence of nitric oxide in the blood vessels decreases the resistance blood meets as the fluid moves through the circulatory system, making erections easier to obtain. In Layman terms, these sex drops increase libido.  Working in the same manner as a prescription pharmaceutical form of male enhancement, but as a natural herb it doesn’t have the risky side effects as its pharmaceutical counterpart.

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